Sunday 27 November 2011

2.2 Does Nessie exist?

The Nessie does not exist.

By July 28, 2003- The Nessie Monster does not exist. A Scottish man found the fossil vertebrae of a plesiosaur on the shores of the loch.The BBC team surveyed the waters, looking for telltale signs of he air in Neisse’s lungs to distort the sonar signals, but it found nothing. They went from shoreline to shoreline, top to bottom on this one, they have covered everything in this loch and they saw no signs of any large living animal in the loch.


  1. She can improve on writing more of her opinion and a reason, and she could have put more evidence. But she did a very good summary.

  2. You should add some information on if Nessie does exist instead of only showing one opinion. And add more websites and information. ADD A PICTURE. The information given, however, was very good. At least 5/10, Good work Jessie!

  3. Jessie youwork is evidence are very good but there is no picture. Buti like your evidence good job.:)
