Thursday 21 June 2012

reflection of the year

I learn how technology use in different softwork. and I think that the softworks is very useful. Microsoftwork is use for typing documents, microsoft excel is for entering results from data, micrpsoft powerpoint is for presentation. I think that microsoft excel is very good, cause when we enter the formula of the results, It will do the calculatiion for us. I think the questionnaire task is very good, I can learn how to create questionnaire, and we actually give out the questionnaire and get back the questionnaire, I have lots of fun with that task.

Case study- module 5

Q1. How many different things did you count? What were they? In what ways might com-uters be used to control different things in the supermarket?

Q2. Why is it useful to use computers rather than people to control things? What problems might there be if any of the computer systems fail in the supermarket?

Q3. Describe the inputs and outputs for the other devices that we have talked about so far. How do the supermarket doors and car park barriers know when to open? Identify other control systems that work automatically in this way.

Q4. What would happen if the instructions were wrong? These instructions assume that the car is in the right place? What would hap-pen if the car were not there? How could they stop this happening?


A1. Microwave , car , satellite navigation system , Car park barriers , parking sensors , Robots.  In supermarkets the doors, freezer, conveyer belt, cash register.

A2. Because computers work way faster and can be programmed depending on people’s needs. If the computers system fails, the supermarket won’t operate properly and the staff cannot control the system.

A3. I think there is camera to see when pupils come and cars come . The cleaning head liguid machine does that automatically, When we put our hands near the camera, the liguid will automatically comes out.

A4.I think the robot will do a wrong thing and broke the screen of the car. I ithnk the pupils should change the instructions of the robot, like enter the right instructions.

Thursday 19 April 2012

4.0 case study

Q1. How could Mussie and Ellie find out whether older people do more for charity than younger people?
A1. Search for the information on the internet, do a survey with people from both side by giving out questionnaires to them.
Q2. Why does Mussie think that these data prove him right? Why might Ellie think that these data do not prove him right?
A2.  1.) Because when he checked one of a charity website, he saw that older people donated more money than younger people so he thinks that he’s right.
        2.) Because the data is only from one of the charity website so it might be different in other charity websites. She also see that the money the younger people are donating is increasing every year while the amount of money donated by older people decreases each year so she thought that if this goes on younger people might donate more. Also it only shows the amount of money people donate, it doesn’t show charity activities since younger people will be doing this more.
Q3.What questions should they ask?
A1. 1.) How old are you?
       2.) How much money do you give to charity?
       3.) How much time do you spend doing charity work?
       4.) What type of charity activities do you do?
       5.) What type of charities you donate money to?

Q4. How many questions should they hand out? Who do you think should fill in their questions?
A4. They should hand out evenly for the younger people and the older people so the result won’t be biased, it depends on the number of people they want to ask. Probably adults and teenagers.     
Q5. Which software could Mussie and Ellie use to put the answer into the computer? How can they check that the data are correct? How could they reduce the number of errors of the data? What problems might there be if the data were typed incorrectly?
A5. 1.)  Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet).
       2.) They can double check the data and write them slowly and carefully.     
       3.)  For preventing errors you can use Spell Check to check the spelling or add validation checks. For
              age you can have ‘range check’ so the computer will check if the age is in the range you gave.
       4.) -You might get the wrong result and it can get confusing since it’s not what you expected.
            - Some of the data won’t be counted.
Q6. What is the best way for Ellie and Mussie to present their result?
A6. They can sort their result with a table and then add a suitable chart (pie chart).

Sunday 29 January 2012

ICT case study unit 3


1) Computer system set up for gaming uses new and powerful system. And set up for a business uses very expensive systems

2) Shaheen can use a formula to work out if he has got enough money. He should get more money. Shaheen could use another format to work out the difference.

3) Shaheen should left more space so that she could put the answers.

4) Shaheen can use the price of the material to help her with the new customer. She needs to change the total amount of the spreadsheet model.

5) Shaheen can make the numbers and words larger and bold the words and the numbers.

Sunday 27 November 2011

2.2 Does Nessie exist?

The Nessie does not exist.

By July 28, 2003- The Nessie Monster does not exist. A Scottish man found the fossil vertebrae of a plesiosaur on the shores of the loch.The BBC team surveyed the waters, looking for telltale signs of he air in Neisse’s lungs to distort the sonar signals, but it found nothing. They went from shoreline to shoreline, top to bottom on this one, they have covered everything in this loch and they saw no signs of any large living animal in the loch.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Study Case (2)

Q1: Where could Remy get his information from for this article?
He can find information on the internet, ask people for opinions and in books.

Q2: How can Remy use the internet to find what he wants?
He can use the search engines like Google, Yahoo,, etc...

Q3: Why has Remy got over two million results? Why are some of the websites he has found not relevant? How could Remy improve the results?
It is because he is not precise enough.

Q4: Can Remy trust this information? Why might it be unreliable?
No, because they just want to convince and persuade people to play their games.

Q5: What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software?
He should plan the design first and he should use DTP software.

Q6: How can Remy design and write the articles so that it will be appeal to Remy’s readers?
He could make it interesting by putting some pictures that is appropriate and put some flashy colours.